"I think we might be getting a bit off track. As important as dealing with a larger criminal organization may be we should keep in mind that the thing we all have in common is a desire to recover the people taken, or in Drews case doing what Opal wants, but she's contagious so I'm sure he'll warm up to this eventually." Says Ledian before addressing uriel's questions "I know Skull asked Monitor to try to track down their source of dream mist, but he hasn't found any buying patterns that would suggest it being used in the bulk they would need to. He believes they are some how producing it themselves or they have found a way to use it more efficiently and stretch out their supply though its also possible that fewer people have been kidnapped than we suspect. It's unfortunately very easy for a trainer to go missing without anyone noticing so we have no way to know for sure how many victims there are. As for dowsing I'm afraid my specialty is blessings the only medium I can think of that could have more advanced knowledge on the subject is Siergie Ironwood who lives in the dojo's monastery. I guess you could say spelunking is a hobby of his"