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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends LIX: Ice Cream, Stamps, and Lorn

    Quote Originally Posted by Winthur View Post
    Be mindful however that Morgana has a lot of innate risk to her because if you miss any bindings you're pretty useless in the laning phase (well, or at least - not contributing properly; sure a spell shield is useful, but it's only good to stop engages and not at all to provide sustain). You still have a lot of utility and not as catastrophic issues as Blitzcrank (whom you render completely obsolete) but be mindful that on paper she loses to any poke supports.

    Of course, the best part about the trio is the fact that they're very good at catching people and that can turn even a bad lane around. Thresh, for one, is, on paper, outpoked by Sona, Nami, Karma or Zyra, but there's the hook and he still has a ton of unique utility.

    So ya, Thresh/Leo/Morg, but IMHO Sona and maybe Annie (unless they gutted her too hard) are underrated gems and both simple to play.
    Leona was the one I'd been trying to remember
    As for Annie.. She seems decent, though I do have trouble with aggressive bottom lanes(Jinx+Braum is a good example.. she can't get close enough without being blasted[and very very quickly killed] by Jinx's gun, or hit by Braum's poke[and then blasted by Jinx]. I was also owned by Yasuo the one time I encountered him in bottom lane.. though that might have been a coincidence/bad play on my part).
    I have wondered if rushing a tankier build might work on her, since her main issue from what I've seen is her glassiness.
    Last edited by Togath; 2014-06-08 at 06:17 AM.
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