Aspen sighs. "Selective hearing. Nice. I'm a merchant, you think I'm not used to this?"

He crouches down, then shoots forward, dashing between the sisters and snatching a large portion of the contents of the chest, taking a single loaf from the pile and biting into it slowly. "The rest is yours, ladies. But you do have to share enough for the group to survive." He finishes the bread, swallowing loudly, before stepping outside and handing out the rest of the food to the group.

"Oh, thank you so much!" Lia exclaims, munching her share quickly. A loud belch follows her actions as Aspen's father mimicks her enthusiasm. Aspen narrows his eyes and turns to Sigvaldi. "No matter what happens, no one is to enter this house. Understand? Leave this to me and the girls. No matter what you hear, no matter what comes out, do NOT enter this house. I'll be back soon."

That done, Aspen resumes his original plan of entering the trapdoor.

"A bunch of containers? Someone was quite the hoarder before they died..." He looks around, drawing his dagger and hiding it under his cloak, ready to spring at any time. "Two dead humans upstairs and my only backup is a selfish bloodthirsty thief and her mute sister. Well, no one's getting the jump on me."

Aspen raises his free hand and uses a combination of the mage hand and open/close spells to remove the lids off every vase, barrel and box in the cellar, preparing himself for anyone who may jump out at him.