Quote Originally Posted by Metahuman1 View Post
If interest shrank I've not noticed it. It's on and being advertised all over Toonami and it's STILL freaking all over facebook and deviantart every time I freaking log on, and I STILL have friends who are insistent that this is the magnum-opus of the anime and manga mediums bar nothing.
Huh. This really has that big a following? I just caught up after a few of my friends recommended it. It's pretty good. Not without flaws.

Spoiler: my opinions feel free to skip
The main character spent the first 5 episodes being whiny and annoying. I was impressed they had the guts to kill him off, a little disappointed that they brought him back. The girl seems to have only two petsonality traits. And for a show that was described to me as gritty with a high death count, it really isn't. Sure people die, but unimportant people, the main cast is pretty much always safe to continuously deliver their cycle of nihilistic and call to arms inner monologues. Oh, and the whole bait of the female Titan was weird. How did the leader of the scouts know about her to set up the trap. Why didn't they just tell the main guy about the plan and have him there as backup if something went wrong. Also the identity of the female Titan seemed obvious to me, I mean she even kept her hair.

I mean, despite this I enjoyed it and will keep watching, but I don't get it's huge following.