Okay, seriously, what's with me and asexuals. Today after school, I ran down to the bookstore and browsed for a bit, grabbed myself a coffee. Cutest guy I've ever seen comes over a while later (I got the last table) and asks if he can sit there. We get to talking, and he's as amazing to talk to as he is to look at. He mentioned in passing that he gets flak for not wanting a girlfriend, which I take as a hint, so I ask if he's free later in the week to grab dinner and he gets a panicky look on his face. "Oh, uh, I'm not interested in a boyfriend either." "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable... Are you ace?" "Yeah." "Any chance you'd like to hang out just as friends?" "No... I should get going..."

That's three unrequited crushes and two unrequited cases of love on asexual folks, if anyone's counting.