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Thread: So I finally saw Frozen...

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    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Apr 2013

    Default Re: So I finally saw Frozen...

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Raziere View Post
    well if you can't define what a human is without saying "not something else" then you have no right to call something inhuman, because you have no definition that something IS human, which means you can call anything inhuman that you want without any repercussion, so your saying that what you say is inhuman is inhuman because you say so, and not for actual reasons.

    seriously your arguing that most of the characters we read in comics are not human, thats an argument I'm interested in having

    edit: so random powers isn't human, but upgrading yourself with technology to become immortal is human? you define blasting fire out of your hand as inhuman, but being a person who can switch bodies through computers is completely human?
    Find someone that can shoot fire out of their hands, and I will buy what you are saying.

    Also, I never said the characters themselves are inhuman. Just the ability to teleport, turn into ice, etc. They're still very sympathetic and relateable, but their abilities are not. There was an X-Men story, I forget when I read it. Teenage boy hit puberty, and he woke up the next day. His family, neighbors, pets, animals, all gone. Vanished. Turns out he was a mutant, and he projected a field that dissolved organic matter or something. Sad, yes. Equivalent to the kid being gay, no.

    (Wolverine had to snikt him, because he was the only one who could get close enough without burning away. Really sad.)

    And I am not sure, honestly. I was listing things that are impossible for humans to do that the X-Men can. When/if that comes around and actually becomes a reality, I'll let you know. Don't think I'd want to do it, though.

    Callos: Thank you for saying what I wanted to much more eloquently, you evil upstaging swordsage.
    Last edited by Nilehus; 2014-06-27 at 08:08 PM.