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Thread: Mythos Inspired Homebrew Discussion

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Primal Fury's Avatar

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    In the heart of the beast

    Default Re: Mythos Inspired Homebrew Discussion

    If any one is interested, I've conducted a few tests with the Malefica. I was curious how she would stand up against other classes. I decided to use a Paladin, since that seems like the most obvious conflict considering the Taint. Both are level 1, and the first 3 test begin with the characters 30 ft apart.

    Tests 1 & 2 ended the first turn, with the Malefica instantly chumping the Paladin. This due entirely to the 'Like A Hellbroth, Boil And Bubble' manifestation, which adds 1d6 damage to all splash weapons you make.

    Test 3 had the Paladin going first. He did some damage with his bow, but not enough to take his opponent down. She did the same with her flasks, but not enough to kill him this time. He charged in to attack, she activated Blood-Freezing Cackle Defense, but to no avail, and went down.

    Test 4 had the characters begin in melee range. They traded weapon strikes and Malefic Grasps, but the Paladin ended up victorious.

    Test 5 was similar, but the Malefica was able to pull out a victory in the end.

    Conclusion? The Malefica excels at ranged combat with the Boiling Corpse-Cauldron Catalyst mythos. It almost seems essential. I'm not sure if I like this. This could be due to the class's inherent frailty, or to the power of the Mythos. Blood-Freezing Cackle Defense is not as useful as I first thought it would be. Of the four times it was used in these tests, it did not work once. I suppose this is to be expected at early levels with a Save DC of 13. Spending Taint to increase this is likely going to be very useful at higher levels, when that is actually an option. Malefic Grasp seems to be a solid melee option; with the ability to bump up the damage with Taint, it seems as though it will always remain useful, even without enhancements such as 'Virtue-Mocking Hands of Iniquity'.

    If given the chance to move around during the melee tests, she likely would have fared better due to her higher movement speed and greater skill with ranged weapons.

    I understand that white room fights aren't the best way to test classes, but I can at least find out where they want to be when up against certain enemies. Case in point: Keep away from beefy dudes with big swords and high will saves.

    EDIT: I will be conducting another battery of tests later, this time including the effects of Taint on others, and the use of Hexes.
    Last edited by Primal Fury; 2014-06-29 at 09:44 AM.
    My Homebrew