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    Dwarf in the Playground
    Valluman's Avatar

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    Aug 2013

    Default Re: Spellsword Fix (Because that picture is too cool to go to waste.)

    Quote Originally Posted by thisisacat View Post
    I recommend a per-encounter setup. Max out at 3 or 4 I'd say.
    I like this suggestion; it sounds kind of like the Spellsword would be given pseudo-maneuvers.

    As a guy who likes gishing to get 9s and good babs, I'm okay with the 7/10 casting; the only reason I feel like people are suggesting upping the casting progression is because they are hungry for 9s. With this fix, you could still be a 2 Fighter/4 Wizard/10 Spellsword/4 Abjurant Champion and still get 8s, which isn't bad. Granted, I think upping the CL once may be alright because, as is, it's not that appealing for traditional sorcerers and sort of forces sorcerers to go Battle Sorcerer to still get 8s like their intellect counterparts while, at the same time, not giving the wizards a higher level of spells achievable (assuming neither of them goes straight wizard or sorcerer to get into Spellsword... Which would still give sorcerers one less level of spells anyway).

    EDIT: Maybe add in some gish feats into the Bonus Feat list as well?
    EDIT 2: Transferred this comment from the 3.5 forums, since you flagged the original thread for deletion.
    Last edited by Valluman; 2014-06-30 at 10:11 AM.