Spoiler: Inspired event
So, I read this from way in the main thread:

Quote Originally Posted by WaylanderX View Post
The opposite actually, the Lord of Fire is considered an aspect of Ashmar, or rather an underdiety. Ashmar is all about Balance/Life, Progress and Prowess and governs the elements of Water and Air. Then you have the Ones who Guard, two underdieties: The One who Guards Earth and the One who Guards Fire (Aka the Lord of Fire in Hurosha's opinion). Ashmar rules and guides these two aspects to keep the balance of the world intact.

That's the short version kinda.
Now, given we've so far gone down the "All myths are true" route, it may be possible there is a earth counterpart to the LoF (even if the two aren't ruled by Ashmar, as always it's left up for debate).

For Pit of Sudelphir or random other place event considerations. If around/below the Pit it could be linked to Hai Vyuma. What exactly it is or it would do, I have no idea. Maybe there's a ruined temple somewhere underground that could awaken it. Or something.