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Thread: Mythos Inspired Homebrew Discussion

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Primal Fury's Avatar

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    Jan 2008
    In the heart of the beast

    Default Re: Mythos Inspired Homebrew Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Epsilon Rose View Post
    Are there any tips or requirements for designing a good mythos class?
    Try to come up with novel mechanics, avoiding things like "this functions as the spell [...]". Also, come up with a story before you start with the mechanics; the former informs the latter, and makes everything easier. What is your idea anyway?

    And here's an updated version of the fluff for 'A Kiss Too Deep For Love.' Tell me what you think.

    Some of the converts are confused by our faith; they wonder how we can kneel before one who desires no less than the eternal suffering of all that is. How can such a hateful being be worthy of worship? These foolish children do not yet realize that She hurts us not because She hates us, but because She loves us more than we could possibly comprehend. One day, they will be touched by Her transcendent love, and be made to see as the rest of us do; once they understand, they will gladly lay down their lives to ensure Her everlasting glory.
    Last edited by Primal Fury; 2014-07-03 at 11:32 PM.
    My Homebrew