Oooh... that's a nice Mythos Kymme, Frothing-Bladesman Riposte can be very deadly with a TWFing build... wonder how it works with Gambit.

Also, I am proud to pronounce my fully named Bellator Mythos

Spoiler: Seeking the Lifeblood
Prerequisite: Thousand-Armed Weaponmaster Intuition exceptional mythos, Knowledge Devotion.

As the Bellator’s knowledge of fighting and creatures improve, they begin to see way’s of injuring their enemies in much strong, more significant ways, as well as finding ways past their defences. When facing an enemy, a Bellator can make a spot-check against the enemies AC as a free action. If they pass, they get a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to 1/3 of their level. In addition, if the enemy is normally immune to critical hits, you can bypass that immunity. For each 5 points above the enemy's AC, increase the bonus to attack, damage by one.


Hunger for the Blood: The Bellator specializes in powerful, devastating wounds. Whenever you succeed with the spot check, double your critical range, and increase your critical modifier by 1. For every 10 points above the enemy's AC, increase your critical range and modifier by 1

Hounding the Lifeblood: Whenever you successfully succeed with the spot check, you may ignore abilities that stop you from denying the enemy their AC. For every 5 points above the enemies AC, you may reduce their AC by 2 when you attack them.

Focusing down the enemy: You may instead make a spot-check as a move action, instead of a free action. If successful, choose and apply one of the following effects: All of your attacks target the enemies touch AC, or, whenever you successfully damage an enemy, they take 1 point of Dex or Strength damage.

Lifeblood Master Hunter: Chose a second basic manifestation

Group Hunting: After succeeding with the spot check, you can share this bonus to your allies for the rest of the encounter as a swift action.