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Thread: Ambriosia of the Gods (IC)

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Default Re: Ambriosia of the Gods (IC)

    Spoiler: Chief
    'I knew it!' thinks Liam, more resigned than happy that he guessed the true nature of the kobold chief.
    "Well, I think we would like to know this purpose ourselves. It seems our respective gods send all of us on the mission... but the exact nature of this quest is still unknown to us."
    Liam paused and continues in a bit tired tone.
    "Tyr usually is more straightforward when setting goals, but I suppose it isn't for me to try to understand his ways..."
    Last edited by Lexin; 2014-07-08 at 02:43 AM.

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    ― Steven Brust

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