Elara stays silent - on one hand, she wants to attack, to force the confrontation that could end with two of the five Six dead. On the other, doing so carried great risk as well; fighting two of the Six, backed up by undead shades would be far more difficult than taking down one through overwhelming force. On top of that, the mage's natural aversion to combat of any sort was pulling her away from the idea of battle, urging her to let the encounter stay peaceful. She didn't want to fight, didn't want to kill. She'd never wanted to, and until now she'd been able to avoid killing anyone at all. But now she was suddenly set before an opportunity to do what she knew was necessary. The Six wouldn't be stopped with a tense conversation in a dusty alley near the forges of Onyx; their murderous operations would continue until they were stopped for good. Wiping them out was the only option - killing one or two would just result in more death as they go to other cities to recruit more members. So Elara stands still, hands ready to work the arcane movements that would bring arcane energy flowing through her, entire body tense, relaxing bit by bit as the mage consciously loosen her muscles.

Then Maniakh mentions a deal with Calia. Curious, Elara turns her gaze to her, briefly, before moving it back to the necromancer and his undead slaves. If this was some sort of bluff, then it might be followed by an attack - as much as she wanted to believe the man didn't want to fight, there was no point in trusting any of the Six. The way they went about things made it clear that they had no scruples; a murderer would have no issues lying in preparation of an attack. So, until the woman responds to his reference, Elara thinks nothing of it.

"...one's future allies."

The words Calia speaks after these seem to fade; Elara's gaze is focused entirely on the woman as she processes what this means. There isn't much to think of, after a brief moment of shock her mind works out the obvious meaning of the tall woman's words. The mage feels betrayed, yet again, and the same feeling of anger follows it as it had the night and morning before - anger at herself, for assuming that those who seemed to be her allies actually were. The kind people she had met, again and again, on the roads weren't the same sort of people she could expect to meet here, it seemed. Despite there being plenty of kind people in the city as well, the vagabond seemed to have a talent for trusting those who couldn't be trusted. Myr could still be an ally, but Calia? How could she aid them if she planned to join the Six herself? Was the woman the kind of heartless murderess that would join the group for the wealth and power they advertised? Elara doubts, for a moment. No one so beautiful could have a complete and utter lack of respect for the true virtues of the world...could she?

"It seems there has been a misunderstanding between us," Elara finally says, voice heavy with a mixture of regret and disappointment. "I mistook you for someone sane, who valued the important things in this world. But it seems I was mistaken," she speaks slowly, green eyes on Calia the entire time.

"Unless there was anything true about what you said before. About it paining you to see your home like this. But I doubt your future allies would like that, would they? After all, a mass murderer with a conscience is a bit of a problematic combination," the mage adds, crossing her arms, eyes gone hard.