Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
84 actually...
Which makes your estimate either hilariously close or frightening, depending on how much of a random exaggeration you were going for...
I based the figure after my own experiences so... frightening I guess?

Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
To be fair, that 21 gig does also contains Mum's photos (which about 16 gig). My own documents folder is "only" about 6 gig, of which nearly all is stuff like my RPG PDFs and such, leaving "only" about 100 megabytes of actual documentation (excluding CAD files and pictures...)
Oh okay, so it's not too different from my own situation either. Though mine only hits about 4 gigs (and contains a few non-RPG elements such as my old Excel list of "Names When I Can't Name an NPC".