Quote Originally Posted by DigoDragon View Post
You been watching the marathoning as well? It's not bad at all. I like about... 75% of the episodes. I miss the previous series, but 'Go' does have a lot of really hilarious moments. Also, Pretty Pony Princess. :3


Yeah, on the one hand, I miss the other series.

On the other hand, this sort of satire, parody (and, oh my Lichemuffin, the dark humour! It's darker than the older show!) is RIGHT up my street.

(Also, the little touches like the What the Frack? random appearences of Batman and Commissioner Gordon and all the plushies of other DC characters in he background is priceless.)

And yes, Pretty Pony Princess is Best Running Gag.

And on the topic of Cartoons That Other People Notoriously Dislike For Upstaging The Older Versions that I happened see this morning... Ultimate spider-Man really is not bad at all and is certainly the most unique take on Spidey I've seen.

Also, the LEGO Marvel cartoon is just like an episode, only even more hysterical - rather like the LEGO Star Wars ones.