"butt load" actually makes sense and is more correct for colloquial use; think smuggling something into prison.

Another think coming also makes less sense than the 'incorrect' version, unless you also believe that people should say "and another think" when continuing a rant along? Telling someone they have another thing coming is the same phrase, using a conditional format. Instead of saying "and another thing! You ..." They say they will bring up another thing, if (and only if) the person being spoken to doesn't get the hint.

But yes. These drive me up a wall. My favorite? I had someone ask why I said "text message" and "Texting" when the word was clearly 'tex'. >_<
Oh, axe//ask is actually not incorrect, just apparently grammatically weird? There was a point where both were in common use, and some groups of people stuck to axing questions, and passed that down their cultural lines. So while it sounds like bad language, it was good enough for Chaucer. That was humbling.