There happens to be a rather unsavory part of the Hunting Grounds that has recently become populated with dangerous creatures: the Marshes, entire stretches of land covered in mud and mire, air choked with hot, gag-worthy moisture that sticks to the back of one's throat. And yet, some people insist on braving these uncomfortable conditions and the beings that thrive within them. One such individual is a Dr. Daniel Kimball, although he has come only for the flora, not the fauna.

On the day in question, D-Tox is searching for a strain of goutweed, said to have potent medicinal properties, that can supposedly be found growing on rock formations in this region. For his protection, he has employed the aid of one of MERC's agents to escort him through the Marshes. With any luck, their trip will be uneventful, but the herbalist isn't holding his breath...not for that reason, at least.