Quote Originally Posted by firedaemon33 View Post
[Misplaced Spirits Incident]

Luckily for Hiizumi, the dust doesn't really affect her vision, seeing as she simply alters her memory to see. That said, she does struggle to dodge Sasha's blasts, possibly due to the part of her still trying to retake control deciding that it's her best be to be defeated here. But, unfortunately for Sophia, Chiaki is still very much driving the bus, and when she sees the shifter flying at her, she unleashes a very shotgun-esque blast of white magic at her. Time to see how good Sophia is at grazing.

((For the record, Imp, I'm taking the attack pattern from Cirno is EoSD. It's one of her non-card attacks, IIRC.))
Sasha maneuvers out of the way of the shotgun, hoping that her ally won't be terribly hurt by it, and continues to dart around in the cover of the smog, firing off small streams of bullets. She isn't doing enough damage by herself to stop the Spell Card, though, which means that Sanji and Midori are still struggling to stay alive. Back to the fight, though, a stray shot from the magic brawl cuts into Sophia's skin and leaves a smoking welt there. Whether it's the laws of the Nexus or Chiaki's magic at work, or if yokai magic just works that way, it seems that a Titan's defenses aren't quite so ironclad when it comes to these bullets.

((Sorry to do that, but I wanted illustrate a point. Going Titan will not always be the best solution in these encounters, as I imagine it's hard to dodge a flurry of fast-moving bullets when you're 15 meters tall. Plus, no one should be outright invincible; that just takes the fun out of it. I'm sure we can all cooperate so that no major characters are killed or seriously injured without express consent, so let's give everyone a sporting chance, huh?

Actually, speaking of chances, maybe there's another way to end this fight...Let's go another round or three and see what happens.))