"Strike now! Do not hesitate!" Calia yells. The fire on her sword flares at her words. "Do not falter!" Remembering, dimly, another, similar encounter all that distance and all those days past, she grabs a pellet from her pocket, holding it close. There are more coming, and she only has two of these against eight. Hopefully that would not matter in the future. She reaches out with her free hand and knots her hand into thick, scorched fur, willing the beast beside her to strengthen, to rally, to heal. Forget playing, forget pretending. They needed to survive, to heal. She dodges around the side of the bear and against the wall, ready to climb.


Entangling Exhalation damage - (1d6)[1]
Round 2/4
1 round of Recharge remaining
Swift Action: Switch to Vigor Aura - Fast Healing 2/round to 50% health
Standard action: Touch of Vitality on Ala'thea, heal 30 points
Move action: Get against the wall.