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Thread: Careless Investigation WW

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    Ogre in the Playground
    EmeraldRose's Avatar

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    Default Re: Careless Investigation WW

    Quote Originally Posted by Count Dingdong View Post
    "Well, memory is a strange, strange thing. Pheh, if it were something I could fix, I would do so gladly. Though, if it were something I could fix, there would be lost memories of my own I'd like to recall... Pah." The Peddler looks away from the Lady and back to the items. "My purposes... well, I'm only here to sell. Perhaps I'm here to help, if it doesn't matter whom I help." He pauses for but a moment. "My wares? Am I so blunt? No, but I try not to sell useless items at a high price. Pah, but when items speak so strangely and so widely... no matter. For you? You've liked the Jade? It still speaks strongly. The armor, the gavel, they're unique. Or... perhaps a ruby for strength and a quartz for-"
    The Lady looks at the items again without touching them. Very well then, Small One. Know that my fire is always burning and there are comfortable chairs for all who enter The Leaf. The coffee is always fresh. It is expected.

    A ruby and a jade for this night, and a charm for its charm. I am certain it will find its place among my shelves.

    EDIT: ((Oh Well, yes Lex has two public wins, but I will be honest, I'd like to get another one too. I don't see that as any reason to kill her off. I'd rather not start the precedent of "Hey soandso is going to get another win if they don't die now!" So to that effect, and because why have single wagon days? Rain Dragon))
    Last edited by EmeraldRose; 2014-07-17 at 04:53 PM.
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