Quote Originally Posted by Zevox View Post
We've gotten clarification on how he works recently. He starts with the Levin Sword, and with use it will wear out and be replaced with the Bronze Sword, but it will also regenerate over time. Nothing definite on what the difference is, besides presumably the bronze sword being weaker. His tomes similarly wear out with use and regenerate with time. Each one is a different special attack - thunder is his neutral special and is chargeable to use the more powerful versions, fire is his side special, wind his up special, and dark magic is his down special. The one unclear thing is whether the tomes wearing out happens individually or as a group.

Anyway though, the Smash Bros announcement has made me start up Awakening again. I had started a second run way back when I finished my first one, but didn't get far before moving to something else, so I basically restarted that run. One thing I want to do this time is definitely get the two children characters I didn't last time, Owain and Brady. I didn't get them because I didn't use Maribelle at all, and chose not pair up Lissa because of her apparent age. I'm set on pairing up Maribelle, but not sure who to go with for Lissa. I'm hesitant with any of the older-seeming men, but the two younger ones, Ricken and Donnel, I already intend to pair with others (Nowi and Miriel respectively). So, anybody have any suggestions on who'd be good? Not mechanically mind you - I'm not power-gaming this - but for the relationship the supports show them as having.

Pairings I've already set in stone are Avatar/Tiki, Sumia/Henry, Gaius/Tharja, Virion/Maribelle, and probably the aforementioned ones for Ricken and Donnel. (And Chrom/Sully, but that doesn't affect Lissa's options for obvious reasons.)
Well, Henry and Gaius can be childish enough that the age difference is less apparent, but you've got them paired (oddly Sumia/Henry is the one pairing I haven't done for Sumia) already. I think that Vaike is probably the closest in age (and maturity level) to Lissa of the remaining ones. Besides, I think it's funnier than Kellam/Lissa or Stahl/Lissa.