Okay, guys? My computer is going funky and ate the write-up I had all written down, and it's late and I'm tired, so I'll explain both villains tomorrow in proper detail.

The one I initially asked the question about: Basically, the incarnation of death itself. She would actually only be killing one person in the story, who is an original character anyway, who almost inarguably deserves it.

The villain being irredeemable I feel is a pretty important detail, because by the time Celestia would be confronting her, she wouldn't actually be under the impression anything she did was wrong. And, in my personal view, it's kind of impossible to get redemption for an action you don't regret/feel any remorse for.

Really, she's a hard character for me to properly sum up with what time I have available at the moment. Though, summed up for why she is the way she is

Her mom died, her one and only friend betrayed her and she hasn't made any since, and eldritch abominations (Nightmare Moon, Queen Chrysalis, and arguably Discord, just going by Season 2 baddies) keep trying to take over her home.

The one in the pony D&D campaign: The insane goddess of magic, who wants to basically erase magic from existence. PCs are working to restore her fractured mind so she realizes "Hey, this is a really damn stupid way to do what I want" which is get rid of certain types of magic (She despises non-consensual mind-control affects, among a few other things), and get rid of the goddess of evil. That latter goal really shouldn't require any explanation.

Now, to explain the power level of the latter: Not only did they basically have to seal her in the equivalent of Pandora's box (This was before the princesses ever started ruling. They don't even have a clue she exists, due to her basically being damned from Memory.), but the princesses are quasi-deities at best in this setting. The goddess of Magic is a greater deity. The ranking goes Quasi Deity<Demigod<Lesser Deity<Intermediate Deity<Greater Deity<Overdeity

So, it's really in the PCs' best interests to make sure they restore her sanity BEFORE she breaks out, not after.

If you're curious, overdeities basically ARE that thing in this setting. So, if she somehow made it up to Overdeity status, she'd get total control over magic (Friendship would be unaffected, since the villain is insane and not thinking right, not totally evil. Also, Magic and friendship are not QUITE the same thing in this setting. There's no way to get rid of friendship, ever.)

Yes, I know she's absurdly powerful. That was sort of the point. Trying to fight her directly would be like Pippin trying to fight Sauron one-on-one. Fighting her aspects and minions is however doable, and even her strongest minion isn't a match for the princesses working together.

That's the short, fatigue-heavy write up for both. I guarantee you, if either of those sound poorly thought out, I can make them sound at least slightly better thought out tomorrow. Or that I did actually put thought into them.