Several funny stories over two decades of RPG's, college group consisted of several veteran players and two or three newbies. One of the newbies was playing female dwarven fighter type. Group was big, about 8 pc's if I remember right. I cannot remember the rest of the group but the plot was to stop evil necromancer and his army of undead from doing whatever he wanted. Our group set up an ambush in some woods. Casters in the back, my often crazy ranger was up a tree ready to drop down on the necromancer, but we needed a diversion. Our rogue remembered that he had a potion of giant growth from the crazy gnomish alchemist back in town, lets have the female dwarf get huge, and trample the front ranks of the undead horde! While they are doing that, my ranger can leap from his perch and cut down the necromancer, sounded good on paper at least.

Complication 1: I rarely roll over a 10 on a d20, EVER

Complication 2: The potion had an side effect, the character's gear does not turn "giant" with them.

So, the Dwarf drinks the potion, turns into a 30 foot naked female (and VERY embarrassed) dwarf standing in the middle of the road. Since the dwarf "growing" was my cue to attack, I leap (acrobatics check) and fail miserably. I fall out of the tree right in front of the necromancer who ignores me since he is staring slack jawed at a 30 foot naked female dwarf attempting to cover herself and failing miserably. The party could not continue after that, laughter is too infectious.