Note: Different DM on tuesdays. And 5th Ed.

DM: So [Ranger] takes 10 electricity damage, the [Other Mage] Takes 6 Electricity Damage, and [Me] Takes 12 Electricity Damage]
Me: Shocking.
*Pause of laughter*
Peanut Gallery: You take another 2 thunder damage for the pun.
DM: No... No I liked that one. He delivered it well.

[Ranger]: I'm running.
[Other Mage]: It wasn't me that attacked you! Don't attack me!
DM: Roll Diplomacy.
[Other Mage]: ... 1
DM: The three still angry willowisps gang up on [Me] and you take *Rolls* 22 Damage [My origional HP]
Me: Ok... I would be dead on -12, but that's survivable in next...
*Is healed a few turns later*
Me: So... What do you think of my new 'fro?

DM: No, The only magical evening, which was a bad one, tonight was with [Ranger] and his duaghter's guardian [Pixie].
Me: So... Is he openly fey?
*Table dies laughing for a few minutes, DM included*
DM: Erik... You can't keep doing that.

[[Thing's I'm no longer allowed to do only refereed to elves, not human rangers]]

DM: After waiting for the someone to finish picking the lock a dockworker like person looks at you in surprise. Your held action?
Me: *Rolls* Sleep spell affecting 28 HP.
DM: He promptly falls on his face.
Me: Good, Rogue, come here and stand gaurd, kick him when I say. I cast dancing lights, conjuring four orbs of magic which I juggle, and tell [rogue] to kick the smuggler awake.
DM: Upon waking up the smuggler looks from the goblin to the mage juggling balls of magic and immidiately say "I want to turn myself into the police!"
Me: I catch the balls and glare at him.