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    Firbolg in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Earth... sort of.

    Default Re: Warhammer and WH40K RPGs II: Burning Witches, Heretics, and Fate

    I haven't actually TRIED the classless systems yet, but it doesn't seem like it'd be that big of a change. I did come really close to running DH2 though, going so far as to roll up a beta character. It does seem sorta surreal that the classless system evokes so much bile though; isn't it functionally very similar to the old class-based system in terms of limitations?

    "I like gishes, and my character's dream is to someday become a Librarian! I'd like to play a melee psyker!"
    "Okay, but the Psyker has expensive STR and WS and doesn't get many melee talents."
    "Can just pay double for the melee talents via Elite Advances, right?"
    "Yeah sure"

    "I made a Psyker! He's got PSY, BRAIN, and WIZARD as his favored areas!"

    "Your favored areas mean that STR and melee talents will all cost twice as much, since PUNCHING doesn't overlap with BRAIN or WIZARD."

    I guess the old system of alternate ranks allowed for D&D 3.5 style dip-fu, so if you really wanted a melee psyker you could do stuff like "Well, I replaced Starting Adept with Hive Adept to represent my character's gang past, so that gives Knife Fighting as a starting talent and makes melee advances cheap, and then after two more levels of vanilla psyker I went with Library-Wizard which grants any two free lore skills, so I took Lore (Punching), and then..."
    Last edited by shadow_archmagi; 2014-07-23 at 06:30 PM.
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