Quote Originally Posted by Koo Rehtorb View Post
After thinking it over for a while, I think it feels forced just because of how all this stuff is crammed into one comic. Any one of these things would have been just fine on its own, but putting it all together makes it feel like he's going down a checklist ticking them off one by one, which makes it kind of jarring.

Might have been better to split it up into a few different strips over time, but I don't pretend to be a better writer than Rich so what do I know?
IMHO Rich is poking fun at his past own choices, and it makes sense to simply lump a few related examples together.

In a normal "world" a costume change is just a costume change, and does not require any kind of explanation. But in OotS we all(?) know that Haley's armor "must" be a 10,000ish gold piece valued item, so such things sort of demand an explanation. Since no really natural explanation is possible, a funny one is the better choice. To be funny, it must somehow not meet our expectations. That fact that a certain kind of surprise seems to elicit comment, in my book, demonstrates the cleverness of the choice in the very commonly male-centric genre.