Quote Originally Posted by Socksy View Post
Social Justice Warrior. An idiot who sits behind a keyboard and whines all day but doesn't actually go out and do anything about injustice. The tumblr/reddit equivalent of the Facebook 1 like = 1 pray posters.
Quote Originally Posted by Sadsharks View Post
Social Justice Warrior; it's a derogatory way to dismiss (usually relevant, intelligent) arguments as "white-knighting" and what-have-you purely for having to do with social issues.
Well, I have one thing to say to people who call me that, if that be so:

You know what? Yeah, I am a social justice warrior. Fight me. Because you know what? I'm going to fight for the inclusion of minorities. I'm going to fight for human rights. I'm going to fight for people to be free. And you know how I'm going to do it? I'm going to start by changing people's opinions. I'm going to start by opening people's eyes. No, I'm not going to stand up to injustices by force, machinegun in each hand, the champion of the people, fighting for what she believes in.

No, I'm going to start by convincing people - yeah, people like you - that minorities do actually deserve representation. That having gay people in a comic isn't going to destroy the storyline. I'm not going to be out there, sword in hand, because at the end of the day, that's not how societies change. Societies change by the efforts of people who are willing to include people, to show that they're normal, to show that they're people too.

Societies change by people using words. People like me? People like Rich. People who are trying to change people's opinions. Because if one person, just one person, reads what I've written, what Rich has written, what anyone has written, and decides not to show up to the next anti-gay march, that's one-nil to the "Social justice warriors," while you're busy living the polite fantasy that people don't need inclusion.

And might I add that this entire debate was sparked by those who thought that what Rich was doing was bad, not that it was good. It is to they, not to the social justice warriors who you hate so much, that you should look as the cause of all this. In any case, you needn't participate in the discussion if it so offends you.

Your question was literally "Prove thing X is not thing X". You typed out the exact same phrase in both places and told him to prove the thing was not itself. The question was stupid.
The reason I asked was that his entire argument was contingent on X not equaling X. Just as asking a stupid question gets you a stupid answer, making a stupid statement causes the response to be a stupid question.