Quote Originally Posted by cobaltstarfire View Post
Well there's also the one I just never ended playing with, I had been interested in playing some sort of star wars, and also just making some friends in college. I wanted to play a gungan because they are a pretty cool species. But all the GM could say is "No gungans jarjar is stupid", and basically just ranted about that. I decided that if a GM is going to get that caught up on something like that and unwilling to discuss anything I didn't really want to see how he ran a game.
To be fair, in Star Wars circles the Gungans have the same reputation as Kender do in Dragonlance circles. I.E. they're little more than comic relief characters that are detrimental to a serious game. You'll find few Star Wars DMs who don't at least give you a cocked eyebrow when you say you want to play one. Whether its a deserved reputation or not is up to that DM's personal experiences and animosity toward the species. I know that I discouraged people from playing Jawas, Ewoks, and Gungans when I last ran a Star Wars game (I never outright ban things).

On Topic:
I'm my own worst DM. I constantly seem to kill off my PCs after less than a month of in a particular campaign. I also lack a story to tell, but constantly leave little crumbly bits that might be plot points scattered around like cups after a kegger. I know my players lack ability to play sandboxes but constantly run them... Not sure why they put up with me...