[Helen's Room]

Noriko nods

Yeah, same as the "Trap the Soul" spell, just without the soul.

[Sanctuary - New Moon]

Magician frowns, and rubs the sides of his head

I cannot discern the beginning of her life. This is most unusual.

Caroline shakes her head

Thank you for trying, Magician... I think it is time to call for assistance.

Magician nods and departs as Caroline bows her head. Moments later, Myobi is standing in the sanctuary.

Let us see what is going on here, now...

And Myobi proceeds to analyze Chesepeak herself.

[Sanctuary Entrance]

(( Moved down from earlier, because it got lost ))

And then... a short, grumpy presence makes itself felt that makes Inari's avatar feel like a kindergartner in comparison.

Malukhar is a dwarf: short and stocky. He has long, deep black hair in the classic male pattern baldness "ring around the head", with a full and flowing black beard. He is dressed in a simple dull red tunic and tough leather blacksmith's apron, with a heavy belt from which hang two substantial smith's hammers and a number of pouches. Sturdy leather sandals round out his wardrobe.

Ach! Ye durn elfy fox things be callin' me back ta tha fersaken Nexus again after so long! And here I been thikin' I was done wi' it ferever.