Quote Originally Posted by Lanaya View Post
The Docks

"So! This is our golden toy soldier?" The speaker (or shouter, as he struggles to be heard over the distance and rain) is a rough, well-weathered man wearing his brown hair back in a ponytail. He wears a jacket that doesn't entirely cover his upper body, showing off wiry muscles and a few impressive scars. Standing next to him is another man, identical save that his hair is not tied back and he lacks scars, who is nodding in agreement, and behind the two are about a dozen tough-looking lads. All of them wear sheathed swords, hooked in shape and with sharp blades protruding from their hilts.

"Well well well, sounds like we have ourselves a righteous hero, come to save the innocent and rescue fair maidens from the evil Lintha!" The men swagger over towards Kel and the others, the speaker coming right up into Kel's face. "That kind of tough talk might impress your mother, but she's not here to protect you now, is she? Maybe you ought to hold your tongue on our turf, kid, or else we'll find out just how thick that armour really is."
The Docks

Kel watches this little display with mild curiosity. "Who are you, and why should I care? Never mind, I don't care. I don't know why you decided to be stupid today, but you need to walk away before something bad happens to you. Let me clue you in on something. All those scars? Each one is a reminder that someone was better than you, and marked you, so everyone can see how many times you've been bested. Me?" He reaches behind his back, the clamps on his armor releasing his sword as his hand grasps the hilt. He holds the weapon at his side in one hand despite it's size. "I have no scars."