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Thread: Seas of Change

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Lanaya's Avatar

    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Re: Seas of Change

    The Immaculate Temple

    The monks pay no attention to Schneizel's words.

    The Docks

    "You talk reeaaaal big for someone who has to hide behind a few tonnes of metal to fight." The speaker's double responds to Jin. "You really are clueless, aren't you? Nobody threatens the Lintha and lives, and you're about to find out why." The pirates all draw their blades in one smooth motion.

    Roll Join Battle everyone!

    Sailor's Rest Inn

    The inn is cheap, but respectable. The furnishings aren't of the highest quality, but they're kept clean and replaced if they break, and while the food and drink is average it comes in large quantities. As Renata walks in she sees an assortment of people, mainly sailors, quietly getting thoroughly drunk. In one of the corners is her crew, who have been given a wide berth by the other patrons. Whether this is due to a dislike for the Tya, some sort of respect or simply chance isn't apparent.
    Last edited by Lanaya; 2014-08-03 at 08:27 PM.