[The Immaculate Temple:Interior]

Schneizel appears disappointed at the monks' insistence on fighting him but realizes that in this situation it is either him or them,"Do not forget it was you who wanted this, I suppose none of you have ever heard the adage of not shooting the messenger huh? Oh well, may your next lives bring you more happiness than this one."

Upon saying that, the brunette man was swept up in a flurry of action. In the blink of an eye he was beside two of monks and slashes at both of them with a swipe of his blade. The seemly emerald jade blade glistens with the blood of its masters foes as it leaves the area's where it had struck them. It moves with impossibly fast speed and with an elegance and fluidity of motion more commonly associated with martial arts than a blade.

Spoiler: Fight Against the Dying Monks
activating Flight of Mercury+First Martial Arts Excellency (x5) -7m (-2m FoM, -5 from FMAE) 3/15 personal essence
attack 1 (Martial Arts (3)+ Dexterity (3)+ Accuracy (4)-flurry (-2)+FMAE (2)): (10d10)[1][1][3][4][7][2][9][2][9][2](40)
attack 2 (Martial Arts (3)+ Dexterity (3)+ Accuracy (4)-flurry (-3)+FMAE (3)): (10d10)[8][10][8][8][2][4][4][5][4][3](56)
stunts if necessary: (3d10)[3][1][4](8) stunting to recover essence (bit fuzzy on how this works)