Name: Fyren (no other names)
Race: elf
Class: rogue 11
Alignment and Temperament: chaotic (goes either way but breaks rules on both sides) smooth, cold, uncaring
Age: 26
Height: 5 feet, 7 inches
Weight: 120 pounds
Hair color/length: jet black length is to eyes
Eyes: dark blue
Weapons: a short sleek poison tipped (very light give you body weakness little better then flu) knife good for slitting throats, and several throwing knives.
Story: Fyren was orphaned at the “world orphan center” there he learned if you are not, strong, smart, or witty you would die early (in a manner of speaking not die die but everyone hates you thing) Fyren learned to be witty and guile stealing food when necessary. He lived there till the age of 15 at that point he ran away and lived off of stealing and trickery. Now at the age of 26 he is hoping to accomplish something