Quote Originally Posted by Forum Explorer View Post
So this


Darn straight it does.
Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
In which it is discovered that Magpies are the secret final boss of every tabletop game Thanqol's in. And not just the ones he's running.
Should I be frightened?

Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
I remember reading about a town where crows would come in and damamge the towns crops every year.

Being a town in rural america, one year the townspeople decided to save their crops by loading their guns and getting loaded themselves.

Exactly one crow was killed in the hunt that can be confirmed.

Statistically, more of the drunkenm hunters were killed than that.

But, even though only one crow died, they have altered their migratory paterns to avoid that town ever since.

Even though all the crows in that flock would have died years ago.

The lesson: Corvids are terrifying
Really, if I found a town where, at any point in time, more than half the town got stinking stink and went out with shotguns, I'd leave and never come back too.