Signs of true intelligence and a will to use it from Bang, it suits her. I am unclear on why she would start pounding on Gil after this explanation though. Dislike of mind control or not you'd think she'd be in favor of Klause pulling the strings on Gil since she doesn't like or trust Agatha either. But line, "and you let him" shows she simply doesn't believe Gil would have agreed to such a thing and I think she's right.

Now I'll bet she's trying to beat Klause to the forefront to have a word with him. We've seen him come out before here where Gil says, "and my son is still too much of a fool to see it." (how did Bang miss that?).

We might be in for an Bang vs. Gil vs. Vole vs. Higgs dustup which would be epic, though we could just come back from the next train segment to the smoking remains of Gil's lab and whoever is still standing.