[Clothing Store]

"Maybe just a little bit..." Geneva admits. "But I have it on good authority that Discord was completely insane. And more importantly he didn't have any friends. There wasn't anyone to pull him into the light when he started straying into dark places."

At that comment she steps a little closer to Nick.

"I have friends, though. Friends who will look out for me. Friends that will warn me if things are getting bad. Friends I can always count on," Geneva says. And then seems to realize just how close she's gotten to Nick before scooting back quickly, knocking over the manikin again. "I-I m-mean... My friends will be there for me. You'll be there for me, right Nick? If you notice anything weird-"

A pause as Geneva sits down and rubs at her horns with a sigh.

"I mean, if you notice me acting weird. If I'm acting s-strangely. Or out of character. Like... I dunno... practicing evil laughs or something?"
she suggests lamely, trying to lighten the mood slightly. "Tell me, okay? I don't know if there's any precedent for what I'm going through right now. I don't know how this mess will end for me. But I want to make sure that I don't lose my friends in the process."