[Storm's Row]

Imaginos points at the stone door. "They went in there..." Maybe he feels a bit guilty about denying Valcario an explosive adventure...after all, who doesn't love explosions?
"She didn't seem particularly keen on letting you join, though. Maybe you ought to have asked nicely instead of calling her a mad scientist...but whatever, that is none of my business." He then pauses, thoughtful, tapping his fingers togheter. "Hmm...you seek adventure, don't you? I heard that a certain tome I have been seearching is located in a perilous forest in Inside, and having a bodyguard wouldn't harm. It is not certainly exciting as what you depicted, but if that will be the case I'm sure we will hear of this 'Spacebreaker' again...except that we might have a mean of countering it, should we need to." An extremely small chance is still a chance, after all.