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Thread: Death's End IC II

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Death's End IC II

    Calia doesn't even seem to hear Myr. She traces the oil with her hand, piecing together what is written there from the glimmer of torch-light around the edges. Pieces fall into place one by one, symbols scrawled on hands and neck and mask. Not gone, only waiting. The terms have altered. If she understands it right - and she so often does not, but this time, it seems so certain - then... perhaps she no longer needs the Six. Not when she already sees what they are, or were, and the cause they serve. Leads and destinations and mysteries spin in her head, answers almost close enough to taste. And if she has that, if she can really find it on her own... Oberon has nothing more to give her. There's power in knowledge, in stories and secrets, and for once, it's the power they need.

    Whether she's right or wrong, she can't afford the Custodians knowing anyone knows. A flick of her fingers and a few short words, and the wall is as clean as the rest of di Kerastin Academy. Her hand still smells vaguely of flowers.

    "We might be here for a while," she mutters distractedly. She casts around for another lead, almost instinctively searching for the illuminated crescent. "Still need to find something ot get Ala'thea healed." She starts down the stairs, holding her torch high.


    Prestidigitation to clear up that oil message.
    Last edited by Ajadea; 2014-08-17 at 12:17 AM.