Her Luminance - The Sun

Her Luminance widened her eyes in appreciation of the power display their two energies created. These were the angels; the servants of Gehenna. They were each dark and light, divine instruments of their will, they would do what was necessary to maintain order in the cosmos. They were the law. Her Luminance looked over Nergath's angels in appreciation with their shadowy wings and noted they were nearly as beautiful as hers. It was because elves were used as part of the template that the angels were at least as beautiful as them.

The angels were obedient to both of them naturally and at the lower ranks there wasn't a huge difference between the angels. But when it came to their specialty angels it was the Angels of Glory who focused on terrifying displays of sheer power. They were mostly beautiful humanoids with pointy ears just like her elves and they burned with an inner glow of burning light. Some of them couldn't maintain a human form and appeared as beings of pure fire with flaming wings, while others had a humanoid appearance but still maintained the angel wings of fire. More powerful examples were entirely humanoid and clad in a golden armor that gleamed with an otherworldly charm and each carried a sword crafted from pure light and flame, the opposite of the flails of shadow. Some of the Angels of Glory simply carried a spear made of light like some of the standard angels also did.

"They are true warriors.. who can stand against these defenders of divine law?" Her Luminance said happily and clasped her hands together in joy.

Her Luminance at Gehenna

After that, assuming Nergath had nothing else she wished to discuss, Her Luminance joined the others at the party in Gehenna, now flanked by two Angels of Glory. The angels wouldn't be an uncommon sight here soon. She will go directly to the Council Chambers assuming that's where everyone is at the moment.

"Ah, fire of my flames, Alcandor, you have had a daughter!" Her Luminance gushed as she took in the new goddess. "This is wonderful news. The lineage of luminance will burn bright and forever, truly." She continued as she drifted over to continue inspecting Ethidras. With another claim that it was merely for the celebration, Ethidras's wino divine grandmother took another goblet and quickly consumed the divine drink.

"This concoction must never get into the hands of mortals." She mused as she stared into the goblet, considering all the chaos it would bring.

"Alcandor.. to this celebration She brings a request." She said slowly, watching her spawn for any reactions. The lady wondered if he knew the fuss his little Titan's had made. Oh, Maya was very steamed indeed, it pleased the goddess of fire. She almost would have ruled against Lady Risk if it didn't mean her elves also benefited. "You've left the power of your creations mark all over our shared sun; both in the hounds that dwell there and your personal ones. Charming as they are." She continued, "Her Luminance would ask your permission to use these hounds for an even grander purpose. They'll be nothing compared to your personal ones, of course, but their children should have a great purpose too, don't you agree? Family is important, after all. Her Luminance would ask that you allow some hounds to be the companions of angels, to assist them in tracking down evil, to assure the universe that the angels cannot be challenged when they adjudicate the law because they have the first creations of my sun, the god of strength himself."