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Thread: Death's End IC II

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Death's End IC II

    Calia, Elara, Myr: The descent down to the lower levels offer no solace to you troubled minds. If anything, the scent of the purging powders is stronger down here. The Custodians have clearly gone to some lengths to ensure that this massacre is never discovered. Unfortunately for them, the di Kerastin Academy is simply too large a surface area to efficiently clean in such a short window of time: you discover several more bloodstains. They hide behind counter-tops, on the backs of chairs, in the space between two rafters. All of these are places that nobody would think to look. What's more, you have yet to find any equipment of use to you. Either the intruders destroyed it, or they took a great deal with them when they left.

    By the time you come to the great dining hall, there is little left of the campus left to search. Portraits of the great mages stare out of their frames, unaware that their legacy has been wiped from this earth. The hall is devoid of light. The head table, that exalted place where Landry Folkor and his teaching fellows would sit during every meal, is empty. The school's grandeur only adds to the tragedy that its death blow seems to bring.

    Finally, you reach the lowest levels of the school. The stairwell ends quite abruptly, leading into a singular corridor that extends into total darkness. The academy vaults are all that remain. If there are precious items left in this facility, they will be down here. Indeed, after another while, you come across another pair of locked doors leading into an unknown chamber. The other rooms have all been emptied, or otherwise searched. There is an unknown glyph seared into the iron.

    Lirian: You will hear what I allow, nothing more. Something in Oberon's tone brooks no argument. The masked leader of the Six begins to walk back towards the door. You will find that your body is able to partake in any of the comforts I have provided. Beyond that, you will be testing my patience. See that you behave yourself. He nods as a kind of gesture of confirmation. He wants to know that you understand his demands before he leaves.

    The door closes behind Oberon without a sound. And yet you can feel his thoughts trickle in through the filters in your mind. If you concentrate, you can see his shadow suspended on dust. Your mind moves through the same spaces as his, the same cold darkness. Something about Oberon just seems off to you. He does not see the world in the same way that most mortals do, does not follow the same rules. He certainly isn't human, in any case. You are his enemy, but he has given you freedom of a sort while under his roof. Your body is capable of exploring your new quarters. And yet, you cannot help but feel as though you are more trapped than ever before.
    Last edited by 3SecondCultist; 2014-08-17 at 10:02 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeno Desaqqara View Post
    You divine bastard.

    "Life is to be lived, not controlled; and humanity is won by continuing to play in the face of certain defeat."