Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
"I have no objections," Icy replied with a smile. Then the gasp drew the ice mage's attention towards it... and the lovey-dovey couple in the table across. Her smile quickly turned into a frown. "... well, of all the ponies to run into."

Fox noised as he himself, sitting next to Icy turned his gaze to where she was looking. His face contorted into looking like someone just passed some nasty gas. "Oh bloody goody."

Balboa turned his head as well curious about the hubbub. "Oh, I feel like I am seeing double hahah." He heartily smiled and chuckled. "Goodness." Naturally of course he did know the truth about Es and Icy, however he was not going to admit to that, it would lead to questions he did not want to answer. "I did not know you had a twin Miss Icy."

"There's a lot of things you don't know Balboa,"
Fox grumpily said. Balboa just stared at him, smiling, unblinking.

"Of course you're right son."