
Alcandor scowled internally, using the occasion as an excuse to request a gift? If he refused, he'd seem stingy and unkind in front of the daughter he'd just done his best to impress, as well as seem like a hypocrite based on his statements regarding family earlier. He didn't enjoy being manipulated for other's gain, but The Lady had played her cards well at the right time, and thus, he had no choice but the accept.

"Very well, you can have the pups of every second generation. I do understandably want to have a pup or two to rear for my daughter here, as well as teach her the joys of the hunt and many of my other passions. I plan to be an active figure in her life, a beacon of support and strength through her days. This should be more than enough after all, unless you'd have issues making a breeding pair."

He says smiling wryly, pouring her another goblet of wine, refilling his daughters next, and then his own before raising his glass high and downing it before taking his seat at the head of the table, digging into a leg of roasted lamb, place settings appearing for each God he knew in case any more visitors decided to make themselves known in the feast hall.

"Though, for now, as I said before. Let us leave politics away from the feast table, this is a time to make merry and share the joy that is the birth of another God of noble heart, and brave soul!"