The Seekers of the Beyond present themselves, to those they present themselves to, as a small organization of esoteric scholars of planar lore. They claim to know some secrets about the cosmos that certain powerful planar groups, perhaps even Powers, would like to see suppressed. They are, themselves, an incredibly secretive organization

They are also highly hierarchical, though they pretend otherwise. The leaders' important decisions are unquestioned, even when they do harm to those in the lower ranks. Unimportant decisions, on the other hand, may be questioned, to create an illusion of openness.

Many of them have magical ability, and involvement with other power organizations in the city. They do, also, have extensive knowledge of the kinds of lore an organization of scholars of planar lore might be expected to know. At least one mage in their employ provides magical support for Tony's taverns, and keeps an eye on happenings around the city from there. Those who move in the right circles to know of them hear rumors that they have more unsavory connections to churches of evil gods, devils, and perhaps the Children of Talvara. Most likely these connections are more businesslike than anything else. Some in the more established religions claim that the Seekers are a cult themselves.

PCs might meet them in any number of ways. Perhaps they need to contact them for sage advice or gossip; perhaps an NPC they know wants to get away from them. Perhaps someone hires them to steal from the Seekers, or even fight against them. Or, perhaps, they just have their fingers in a pie that the PCs are tied up in.