Spoiler: A Guide without Direction
Quote Originally Posted by squidpope View Post
"Well hello there" Syrid said through a smile, extending his hand and gently patting the large avian. He turned to the Traveler. "I did not expect to see you again so soon, I certainly hope I have pleased you."

Syrid spoke stiffly, unsure how he ought to act. Was he to see this man as a god (for clearly he was,) a father (for he had sired him,) or an equal, as the two goddesses he had met earlier had.

"I will be honest with you, I am unsure of my place. It is a marvelous thing, your gift to me. I can shape reality at my whim and raise fortresses with a thought-but still I am unsure of my purpose. To guide: that is what they said. But how am I to guide when I cannot even see my own path before me? Why should I be a beacon in the night when shadows only obscure?"
The rotating beam of the tower passed behind them, each of the three shadows stretching out long into the horizon before vanishing again as the light moved past them. Syrid looked down upon the city. "I see the people below. I know that it is good. I know that I am bringing together nations in a time of peace but I still cannot shake the feeling that I am not doing enough. That I should be down among them." He sighed, and looked towards the elder god next to him. "Perhaps I was only a courier." He extended out the lantern to the traveler. "You claimed this was yours, did you not? Will you take back your sight or leave it here, without direction?"

"Ah, no!", Fáin responded with a gentle smile, raising his hands in refuse, "Finders, keepers!"
The Wanderer turned his face up to the god of twilight.
"How could I tell you what to do? You just have to do what you feel is right."
"Perhaps, ... let the light be your guide?"
didn't seemed to be too sure about what he said himself.

What I can tell you, is that I'm happy with what you have done so far. No need to feel inadequate, as far as I'm concerned."
He paused, unsure of what to say next.
It is your decision, what you will do in the future. You are as powerful as me, or any other so-called deity I know of."
And after another moment of consideration, he added, "If you really want my counsel, I'd say, continue what you have done, be a light in the dark, show the way to those who are lost. There is no need, for grandstanding. You may have the power to raise continents, but isn't it more important, even more influential, to bring a lost child back to its family?!"

Then he smiled, "And if you want to be down among them, by all means do it! There are deities who would separate themselves from the mortals. This is not my way. You can change yourself to pass as one of them and learn from them, what they feel, what they need."
"Ha! You don't have to do anything, if you don't want to. You are free! Even free from your mortal coils!"

Changing to the form of an elder Okuya, he gestured to Syrid to follow, "Come on, let's mix with those mortals down there, my treat."