Andrew thoroughly enjoys the evening at the pub. He takes the time to try and learn people's names where he can, and promises to return another evening. Before leaving, Andrew lets Barq know that he'll bring the rest of the steel to work in the morning. Andrew gathers up the star stone fragments and the dragon hides before leaving, leaving the steel fragments with Barq. He makes a note to figure out something to do with the dragon meat, and have a stern talk with Dhra next they meet.

Andrew heads back to his own inn, where he heads straight up to his room. He makes a mental note to check on his tab in the morning and fill it. Andrew knows that now that he has started the rumors, it's time to add fuel to the fire of his growing reputation by flashing the coin more frequently. Andrew lays down for bed. He grins up at the ceiling to release all the glee he couldn't show in the pub. Yes, the plan worked, and now Andrew knew he couldn't fully anticipate the consequences. Would it be taken as only rumor, or would it cause a panic? Something inbetween? Andrew figured that conversations in the mine would be interesting for the next few days. Paranoia might even cause the miners to demand higher wages...but Andrew decided he might be over-thinking things too much. There were certainly decent odds that Barq's store would get some extra business for a few days due to this.

As Andrew drifted off to sleep, he allowed visions of the worst case scenarios to dance around in his head, and began planning for each. What if the dragon's armed men showed up? They had been using Barq for a full year to build a stockpile of weapons and armor that had to go SOMEWHERE. The defense training would have to be stepped up...and that was Andrew's last thought as he drifted off to sleep.