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Thread: Characters of the Town (OOC)

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    Shadow's Avatar

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    Dec 2006
    A van down by the river.

    Default Re: Characters of the Town (OOC)

    Name: Shadow
    Race: Silver Dragon
    Class: Rogue-7 / Shadowdancer-6
    Alignment and Temprament: Lawful Good. Usually calm and reserved, Shadow will lash out at evil magi easily, at this time he becomes quite chaotic.
    Age: 650
    Height: 5'9" in human form, 12' in Dragon form
    Appearance While in human form (his preferred polymorph state) Shadow appears as a stunningly attractive man of about 30 years with shiny brown messy hair with streaks of silver. His green eyes sparkle with interest at just about anything. Shadow is commonly dressed in simple gray woolen trousers and matching cloak coupled with a dark blue tunic. At his side rests an ornate rapier with a light layer of frost covering the blade. In warmer climates the frost is continually melting, shrouding Shadow in a very thin mist.


    The runt of the litter, Shadow was ridiculed by his siblings. This led him to spend much time alone. He may have been smaller than his brethren, but he acquired his natural magic much more quickly than his brothers. Once the power to change his physical form came about, Shadow began to wander the human lands as one of their own kind. Shadow learned that even more than his natural magic, he enjoyed the more subtle arts of stealth and cunning. He has befriended many different individuals throughout the years, but recently (about fifteen years ago) he met a young man by the name of Brenton. They became fast friends. This friendship was tested, though, when Shadow fell in love with Brenton's younger sister, Allyssia. Shadow began to spend more and more time in the human lands to be with his love. He even had a charm crafted for Allyssia (and a second for Brenton) that would all but halt the passage of time, that they might grow old together.

    One day, the small village that Brenton and Allyssia lived in was attacked by a band of Hobgoblins. While Shadow was helping the villagers defend thier homes, a Hobgoblin shaman momentarily changed him back to his original form. While Brenton and Allyssia knew of his Draconic blood, the rest of the village was terrified of Shadow from that day on. The siblings were even forced to flee the small town, running for thier lives.

    A psychotic magi named Destro heard of the incident and began searching for the three refugees. Kidnapping Allyssia and spiriting her away to an unknown location, Shadow was blackmailed into serving the archmage on pain of his love's death. Having completed the tasks that were set for him by his new arch-enemy, Shadow was not all that surprised to find that the mage would not release Allyssia as promised. He was given a new task, time and again.

    [Ongoing storyline]

    As Destro has just become a lich, currently he has charged Shadow and Brenton with locating an artifact of pure evil known as "The Lich's Heart." They heard reports of the Heart having been last seen in the Town and hurried off to where all the troubles with the lich began, in the Town. Brenton was killed by a Hydra on the road here. No longer having to protect his friend weighs heavily on Shadow's already burdened heart. Seeking to find some means of breaking his compact and saving his love are now the only concerns in Shadow's mind. Unfortunately the clock is ticking, for the Destro has removed the charm from around Allyssia's neck to torment Shadow, and she grows older each passing day.


    -- Find the artifact known as "The Lich's Heart"
    -- Do Not let Destro find it.
    -- Find Allyssia and save her from Destro
    -- Find a way to kill Destro
    -- At the very least, convince Destro to place the charm back around Allyssia's neck.

    [Common Knowledge]

    Shadow has just arrived in town, and little is known of him at this time.


    No one, save his siblings and the sorcerer, knows Shadow's true name. This knowledge is partially what binds him to the lich's will, and he will not share this knowledge with anyone else.


    (alternate town character)

    Name: Calista
    Race: Pixie
    Class: Monk/Rogue/Invisible Blade
    Profession: Arena Fighter

    Details forthcoming...
    Last edited by Shadow; 2007-01-21 at 05:49 AM. Reason: found someone to play the wizard and needed to adjust a few details