Quote Originally Posted by strawberryman View Post
Chouko looks over the file, puffing on her sudden cigar a few times. "Practical."

Pause. "Meaning boring. How do ya plan to get the rocks here? Lasso 'em?"

Another pause. "Because ya can't. My idea. BAM." She slams her hand on the table. There isn't actually anything in it, if Hideki was expecting a file.

However his printer does fire up. While Chouko looks over the specifics some more, assuming he takes a look, apparently Chouko was looking at... a gravity glove? With all of the meteors around, it's certainly effective. But space travel would probably be perilous, even for shinigami, with the lack of oxygen.

Oh wait right she has robots.
"Takenaka, we are not making a world out of kishi. It would destabilize the rest of the orbits of this system and crash us somewhere."

(Koutetsu Hold)

Actually, the noblewoman's kido was the exact reason the assailants decided to switch to a more guerilla style of assault. She does catch one in the flames, perishing instantly... but they're all moving between the buildings outside and effectively using cover. Plus, most of them are on opposite sides of the building, steadily demolishing it with dynamite.

Of course, as the shinigami scatter, something leaps through the hole in the wall after the kido, clad fully in armor yet disturbingly nimble, wielding a shovel that seems repurposed into an axe. It cuts through the green flames with an aura of energy around it, swinging for the Noblewoman's head, speaking with an echoing, ambiguous tone.

"Yeh nobles 'ave 'ad more'n yer fill fer cen'tries! S'time we took back!"
Quote Originally Posted by ImpSyndrome View Post
The IntSec Shinigami all scatter at the sight of the cataclysmic Hado forming overhead. The one named Issei trips over himself as he tries to flee, but some quick thinking on Satoshi's part spares him from the effects of the meteoric blast. In the wake of the fireball, Satoshi sees several piles of blackened remains similar to the ones they had seen before. So those other bodies were likely from a previous encounter with the raiders...No wonder the noblewoman was surprised to see a Shinigami response team.

((If you want to introduce the leader, now might be a good time for him to strike and take down a few witless Shinigami before engaging Satoshi.))
The woman is unfazed, merely looking down into her fan once more after the leader is finished talking.