Quote Originally Posted by Yuki Akuma View Post
..Oh man, what would living in an Adamant-caste city be like? You'd forget your home address, like, all the time.
Don't they describe it in Compass Autochthonia? It's a constant state of low grade selective amnesia. Hold on...

Quote Originally Posted by Compass Autochthonia, pg. 116
The descendants of those pilgrims have multiplied
and thrived in the generations since, venerating
Autochthon through rites broadcast by Om. They
only barely understand the grace in which they
reside, as many suffer amnesia and memory distortion
from regular exposure to Om’s anima. Only
the demiurges among them perceive with absolute
clarity, serving as shaman-mediators to help the
colonists attend their city’s needs and remember
which buildings are dangerous. Soon, Om plans to
Exalt her first assembly of Alchemicals, answerable
through her to the recorded dictates of the silent
Core. She believes it is long past time that someone
watched the watchers.