@Tonel: Choralia beckons you to sit as a lamb walks up to you with a plate of fruit on its head and a cup of honey tasting wine.

"Indira is one of Alecto's so called 'angels'. She fancies herself a god in the Ossian Way and as such, she has chosen several harpies among her clutch to rise above the norm, each a master of battle in the sky, land, and sea. I did not expect you to defeat Indira, but her Wild Claws I was certain, would pose no problem to you and my sisters."

You kiss Severna and Alsira in signs of gratitude as Choralia smiles and the fresh night breeze wafts through the open spaces in her temple.


That's when all four of you turn towards the main entrance and there they are, cold and barefoot and dirty and very much ashamed.

The Birdkillers, tired from their trek up the marble stairs and with Uldir holding the pouch of gold in his hand.

Hamis takes a step forward and clears his throat again.

"We..uhhh, well… we. We thought about what was said and…wait! Is that my familiar?"

The fat grey cat turns his fat head away from hamis and purrs at Choralia's feet.

The sirine elder smiles and takes a sip from her wine.

"I see no familiar of yours here, wizard. As you are currently, you don't even look like a wizard at all."

Hamis looks at his dirty rags and feet. He used to carry with pride his items of power, not to mention his spell book, which contained arcane mysteries only the keenest minds would be able to unravel.

Clanden steps forward and gets down on hands and knees as he puts his head down.

"Forgive me, goddess of the sea. I am in no way related to these miscreants. I wished you no harm and was simply coerced to hunt your divine domain…"

Choralia gets up and walks to wards the three with a serious expression.

"Flattery will get you nowhere. I am no goddess, but this is my domain. And since you seek so repentant, you are welcome to stay here…"

Clanden looks up with a hopeful smile.

"…and work. My trees and gardens need trimming. My animals need feeding. And their wastes need cleaning. Stay in Choralis Island and do these chores for me and you shall be pardoned. Now, leave my presence- you are stinking up the place. My parrots will lead you to your quarters."

Clanden gets up and is about to say something, but shuts up as a flock of birds caw at the trio and these leave the palace to their new homes.

Choralia sits back in her divan and pours herself some more wine.

"Hard toil work under the Ossian Sun will change their manners. And if they even think about double crossing me, well… they'll wish you never recsued them, Tonel."

And so, the days went by, with a bright sun above and a cool breeze ever blowing through the island.

Choralia did, well, whatever a fey of her age and power could do- play her eternal chessgame with the many animals in her garden.

Hamis had been appointed to apiary duty. From old tomes of power and mighty staves to wearing a head net and gloves to extract the honey from Choralia's bee farm.

Clanden the pious cleric of Incabulos was appointed waste duty, cleaning the animal's droppings all along Choralis Isle.

It would seem his cursings in infernal would indicate how pleased he was with the job.

Uldir, the mighty dwarven warrior, who cut who knows how many innocent animals with his greataxe was now becoming more and more proficient with garden scissors, as he would carefully trim the rose bushes around the palace.

The sisters left, as was their way. Gods know where, the sirines did like to swim along the currents, seeking new mischief and adventure.

As for you, the following days were kept in quiet contemplation in your room, unarmored and with bow placed in front, as the large open window allowed the sun to bask in your face.

There was much to be done, that was certain. Hopefully the others did read the note you left and once out of that accursed garden, they wouyld take a detour to this island.

For their sake, you better hope they do.