Quote Originally Posted by Xondoure View Post
No comment on Father having Hoenheim's face as opposed to the other way around? Considering that's one of the few things that you weren't able to predict so far; I'm surprised it didn't get a mention.
Whoops. Yeah, this update was a bit less thorough than usual because I accidentally lost everything I wrote about a quarter of the way through writing it. Although to be honest, now that I think about it I'm surprised as well: I never considered that the reason that they look alike is because The Father was cloned off of Hohenheim instead of the other way around. (I guess Doppleheim's brief appearance helped mislead me). I should have been absolutely blindsided. I guess I was thinking "So THAT'S how Hohenheim became immortal" instead.

I also forgot to mention that even though Hohenheim did nothing wrong, he's probably got MASSIVE survivor's guilt, which would explain a lot of his mental issues. Although hearing the murmurs of the souls of his old friends probably doesn't help either. Seriously, someone get this guy a therapist! Unfortunately therapists weren't really a thing until the 1950's in our history, so they probably aren't around in the FMA universe quite yet either.